Friday, October 26, 2012

KS Cast on Facebook!

After the release of Manly Picnic this week, Matt/Kenji sent me a message on Facebook asking me to consider making a group there in order to keep people updated on the show's happenings and whatnot. He even took the liberty to make the page himself. So we have that now.

Please check it out, and make sure to like it! Not only will you be able to stay informed on everything going on with the blog and show without having to constantly visit the page(though the pageviews are nice), but liking it will help me gauge how many people listen. I just started setting it up a few minutes ago, and already people whose names I do not know are popping up. I want to do some big things with this podcast, but I can't do it unless I know we have a lot of listeners to do it with.

Thanks again for loving the show and for being awesome!


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